Wednesday 11 January 2012

Hayashi rice (Hashed beef with rice)

Today, I'll introduce you to this healthy and easy-to-cook recipe! It takes only 30 min from preparation to serving. Most importantly, this yummy dish is popular among people of all ages! if you like fresh tomatoes, you can cut some into wedges and add them at the last minute.

What you need today.....     (serves: 2)
  200g beef (any parts you like, but tender cuts are favoured), sliced thinly
  100g brown mushrooms, sliced
  1 small size brown onion, sliced thinly
  1 can chopped tomatoes
  2 tbsp plain flour
  25g butter
  50ml sake
  3 tbsp Japanese veg & fruit sauce (See Note 1)
  2 tbsp tomato ketchup
  1 tbsp soy sauce
  1 chicken, beef or vegetable stock cube
  1 tsp white sugar
  400g cooked rice (white medium grain is my favourite)
  1 small bunch of Italian parsley, chopped

     1. Add chopped parsley in already cooked rice. Keep it warm and set aside.

     2. Coat onions with plain flour. Melt butter in a pan in medium heat, and then add the onions(excess flour as well). Add sliced beef in the pan when the onions are coated with butter and cook them until the beef colour slightly changed. Add mushrooms and mix everything well.

     3. Add the can of chopped tomato and 50ml sake in the pan and mix together. Bring to the boil and then simmer for 5 min in low heat (don't use a lid). After that, add Japanese sauce, ketchup, stock cube, soy sauce and white sugar and cook for about 8 min.

     4. Pour the mixture onto the rice.

Note1: This Bull-Dog sauce contains lots of vegetables, fruits and spices. I'll introduce some other yummy dishes using this sauce, so it's worth buying when you find it! Although this sauce is a little sweeter and much thicker than Worcester sauce, you can still use it for the substitution.

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