Saturday 14 January 2012

Tofu steak

When I came to Australia, most of my Aussie friends said that they really didn't like tofu. Some said it tastes like nothing. Some said it tastes like lard (That really surprised me! It's made with soy beans!) Well, I'm sure these people haven't tried this tasty dish! My friends now enjoy cooking and eating healthy tofu dishes:-)

What you need today.....     (serve: 2)
  1 firm tofu (300g)
  1 spring onion, chopped (I didn't have them, so I used green peas instead)
  Some corn flour for coating
  60ml vegetable oil
  2 tbsp white sugar, soy sauce, sake and mirin
  1.5 tbsp mayonnaise
  400g medium grain rice
  2 eggs, poached

     1. Heat tofu in microwave for about 3 min to get rid of water. After that, cover tofu with a clean kitchen towel and put some weight on it. Leave it to let it cook.

     2. Mix sugar, soy sauce, sake and mirin in a small bowl. Set aside.

     3. Cut tofu into a big-bite size (I cut in 12) and coat heavily with corn flour. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan in high heat and shallow fry the tofu every surface until they get golden colour.

     4. Turn off the heat once and get rid of all the excess oil from the pan.

     5. Add the sauce and mayonnaise in the pan and then turn on the heat again (medium heat). Mix tofu and the sauce well (be careful not to break them!). Add chopped spring onions and cook for a further 30 sec.

     6. Put cooked rice in a serving bowl. Serve tofu steak on the rice with a soft poached egg.

Additional note 1: Have you tried Japanese mayonnaise yet? If you haven't, go get it now! You can find it in Asian section of local supermarkets. It tastes less sweet compared to Australian ones and I like using it for cooking. The brand name is 'Kewpie'. My friends are all addicted to it and I'm sure you will be, too!

Additional note 2: If you like spicy dish like me, add a little bit of chilli paste in the sauce. This time, I used Chinese chilli garlic sauce I got in a local supermarket.

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